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About Us

We are Odin’s Key Gaming. A pair of dads with a passion for games, comics, and film. We enjoy both video games and tabletop games, and our first project Indominant is the latter. We are from Las Vegas, but we hope to grow and include folks in our company from all over with a wide breadth of skill and perspective. We have great goals for this company and want to grow our IP of Indominant to be a part of many different forms of entertainment including comic books, video games, and even film! Do not fret! Indominant is not our only IP that we strive to produce but it is our current focus.

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Mission Statement

The premier player focused gaming and entertainment company. We make a wide array of games to entertain anyone and everyone.

Core Values

Make Fun - We strive to create fun games for players of all kinds.


Have Fun - We strive to have fun doing it, so that we can continue bringing more fun to our community.


Be Fun - Create an environment and ideology that when you think of Odin’s Key you think of fun.


Zarek Odynski

CEO & Lead Designer

The Creator of Odin’s Key Gaming Ltd. and the Indominant IP. Zarek has been an avid gamer since before he can remember and was so into gaming at such a young age that there is video footage of him crawling on top of his brother’s SNES. In all seriousness he has been in love with gaming, both tabletop and video games, from a very young age. He was playing D&D with his brother and friends when he was just twelve, playing video games as early as he could button mash, and reading comics as soon as he could read. Funnily enough after ranting to his father about many of his game ideas his father is the one who gave him the push to actually create one. Thus, Indominant was born. The IP that has been created is designed to fulfill every game idea and dream that Zarek has, and he is willing to do anything to make those dreams a reality for all to enjoy, and not just for him to wistfully daydream about!

Ricardo (Ricky) Rivera

Chief Product Officer &

Game Designer

Raised in Las Vegas Nevada, Ricky grew up playing every Xbox and PlayStation game he could convince his parents to buy for him. He went to University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and graduated with a bachelors degree in Interpersonal Communications. In those years of schooling he was introduced to the world of Tabletop RPGS like Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. But it wasn’t until after marriage and having his first child that he really began to explore the hobby. Making resin dice, 3d printing, and painting miniatures became a passion. By chance, his wife introduced him to Zarek when she saw a post about playtesting early versions of Indominant. He not only jumped in with tons of suggestions and ideas, but worked to become a creative designer and co-owner at Odin’s Key Gaming. He’s excited for the future the game holds in the industry and cannot wait to hear about all the Super Undertakings people take on!

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